Categories: Tips & Tricks

How to Stay Safe on the Road in Spring?

Safety Tips for Spring Driving

With the arrival of spring, drivers in and around the Chesterfield, MI, area are excited to get out on the road and visit their favorite locations. Since days are longer and warmer in spring, it could bring plenty of new hazards on the road that you need to pay attention to. Here at Victory Motors, we believe that you and your family must be safe at all times wherever you’re going. That being said, our team has put together a list of safety tips for spring driving that you must keep in mind before heading for your next excursion. 

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Things to Keep in Mind While Driving in Spring

Here is a list of seasonal challenges that you need to keep an eye on while driving in the spring season. 

Keep Away from Potholes

During winter, snow and ice dominate the roads, resulting in potholes. While you’re driving, be vigilant and ensure you navigate away from them. However, if you can’t avoid a pothole, you can drive slowly over them instead of braking so that the impact is minimized. 

Check the Windshield Wipers and Clean the Windshield

Snow and ice during winter can also wear out your windshield wipers. You must check them before heading out to prepare for the rainy weather. In addition to replacing your wipers, you must also clean your windshield with a good window washer to have better visibility. 

Be Ready for Sun Glares

More daylight hours mean brighter driving conditions. Ensure you’ve a pair of sunglasses every time you drive during the day so that you’re not blinded by the sun. 

Check the Tires

During winter, tires can lose a considerable amount of air pressure. Moreover, the treads of your tires might have worn out, leading to less traction and more risk of sliding. Always check the tire tread and reinflate them if needed to avoid this. 

Watch Out for Cyclists and Pedestrians

Just like you’re out enjoying the warm weather, plenty of pedestrians and cyclists will be out having fun too. Ensure to slow down and give way to everyone else on the road, reducing the risk of injuries. 

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In addition to safety tips for spring driving, if you’ve any questions regarding your vehicle, you contact our team of experts at Victory Motors in Chesterfield, MI.  
