Categories: Tips & Tricks

How to Test Drive a Car

Tips You Should Know for Test Driving a Car

Have you ever brought a dress that looked perfect in photos, but when you tried it on, something was not correct? Car buying is much like that, but the stakes are way higher. Test Drive is one of the crucial aspects of choosing a car. When you look at a brand-new car, it might seem flawless to you. But, when you sit on it, take it out for a ride, or feel it, you might feel entirely different about it. Keep reading this blog by the Victory Motors dealership in Chesterfield, MI, to learn more tips on test driving a car from beginning to end.

Test Drive a Car Like a Pro

Firstly, do some research on the vehicles that interest you before heading to a dealership. Make a list of a few cars that you want to test drive. In an ideal scenario, you should do the test drive back-to-back to make an easy comparison. Always call ahead and make an appointment to avoid delay. This will minimize your waiting time at the dealership.

Before the drive, ask yourself questions about the car’s color and measurements. If you are shopping at night, remember that the vehicle’s color might look entirely different during the daytime. So, consider that before you make the final decision. Also, check the measurements and ensure the car will fit into your garage. If you live close to the dealership, the staff might be willing to let you take the car home to see exactly how it fits.

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Once you take out the car for a test drive, there are a couple of things you should pay attention to such as how easily the vehicle is to steer, how easy to get in and out of the car without stooping or banging your head, visibility, seating and driving position, gauges and controls, acceleration, braking, and suspension. Do not ignore the tech features while test-driving. Make sure you are comfortable with the interface. Get a good look into the infotainment screen, Bluetooth, navigation, steering wheel controls, and many more.

After the test drive, it is time to reflect on the car and make a pros/cons list to make your buying decision easier.

If you are in the market for a good quality used car with solid features, please visit us at the Victory Motors dealership in Chesterfield, MI, and explore our inventory. We will be pleased to assist you.
